Bye, bye Foursquare.

So, Foursquare has been bugging me everytime I tried to check in to a place in the last few weeks to download it’s new app “Smurf-or-whatever-it’s-called”.

Yesterday I noticed that I couldn’t dismiss the “friendly” reminder anymore, and that the app wouldn’t let me check in at all if I didn’t download the new app.

So, guess what: No more Foursquare for me. Deleted. For good.

I’m not sure what their goal was with this forced “upgrade”, but I’m pretty sure that this wasn’t it.

Philip Elmer-DeWitt on Florian Mueller.

Is he being blackmailed? Has his child been kidnapped? Did he merely sell out?

Not my words…they’re the sub-healine of the article.

I’ve been thinking about writing about this abrubt and sudden shift im Mueller’s reporting too, but I’m glad someone esle did.

Anyhow, I have noticed the same thing, and I’m not sure what’s going on because up until recently Mueller seemed to be more level-headed. His recent articles almost reak of one-sided reporting.
Considering that he has trumpeted Apple’s victories in the past, and also pretty much all Android OEM’s losses it just seems weird.

I’m very interested to see if something else surfaces on this in the (near) future…